Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Subway & Bus Tips

So, this is the third day that we have traveled to the school by public transportation. I have observed & learned several things.

  1. Do a dry run. Make sure to make your own notes with landmarks. If you can keep an eye on your watch so, that you know about how long your ride should be.
  2. On this dry run, if you are going to be on the bus for longer than a few stops, count the stops.
  3. If you are going to take public transportation, make sure you have a Chinese friend write, in characters, to your destination and from your destination. On the subway, it is not such a big deal. But, the buses get crowded & noisy and the announcements are hard hear at times.
  4. Do not hesitate to sit in an empty seat. He who hesitates is left standing.
  5. In Beijing, during rush hour, they have people with little colored flags at the major stops to marshal in the buses. They are invaluable when you want to make sure you are going the right way. The lady at the stop where we pick up the 19 remembers us. This morning, we nodded to the same lady. Bus 19 pulled up. Something was different about this bus today. We started to board and she said something in Chinese to let me know not to board. But, Delainie, knowing this is the bus we board everyday, started to get on and the lady stopped Delainie from boarding. We then got on the right 19.
  6. When riding a subway or bus and traveling with a child or older person. People will give up their seat so that the ride for these passengers is safe. You may want to offer your seat to one of these types of people. If you don't the bus conductor, not the driver, will ask you to.
  7. Bus conductors are also good friends. Your card with the route in Chinese, is also good to show them. They know the route better than you and can tell you exactly when to get off.
  8. On the two buses hooked together get on in the back and , if standing, work your way forward because you exit at the front. Just make sure you are close to the door when you stop comes or you will watching your stop go by. Almost happened today. A lady refused to move and there I was pulling Delainie through the bus, saying excuse me in Chinese, there is this lady with a ipod on that would not move.
  9. If no one moves out of your way then sometimes it is necessary to nudge your way through. I finally got to the door and it shut. The other passengers called to the driver to open the door. He did. All was well.
  10. Standing on as bus or subway for long trips stinks. Esp in the summer it is hot and sweaty. With no air conditioning and 50 plus people in a tight space. It tends to smell a little funky.
  11. Women conductors & marshaling people are always more helpful and friendly.
  12. Be courteous. You will expect the same.

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