Monday, July 30, 2007
Bus Ride
Friday, July 27, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Lama temple
Today, we went to the Lama Temple. To tell you the truth, they had the cleanest public toilets I have ever visited. They smelled of inscence and candles.
Here Delainie and I are at the gate.

Here is one of the temple tops. Out of respect for their religion, I did not take any pictures in any of the various temple halls on the grounds.

Here is our lovely spokesmodel in front of a prayer wheel.
Here is our tourguide for the day Zhang Ping. She is a university student. She is very sweet and smart.

Here is a roof detail.
This lady was kind enough to let us take her picture with Delainie.
Here Delainie and I are at the gate.

Here is one of the temple tops. Out of respect for their religion, I did not take any pictures in any of the various temple halls on the grounds.

Here is our lovely spokesmodel in front of a prayer wheel.
Here is our tourguide for the day Zhang Ping. She is a university student. She is very sweet and smart.

This lady was kind enough to let us take her picture with Delainie.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Western Mountains
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
It never rains in Beijing
The girls don't they worn you
It pours.
It rained sideways today. I have never in my life been that wet in rain. We left early to avoid the crowd and to get up the road thru the rain. The bus was full. But the subway was empty. The second bus was full but we were able to sit after a few stops.
The students did better today. But, I still wonder about the relevance.
The girls don't they worn you
It pours.
It rained sideways today. I have never in my life been that wet in rain. We left early to avoid the crowd and to get up the road thru the rain. The bus was full. But the subway was empty. The second bus was full but we were able to sit after a few stops.
The students did better today. But, I still wonder about the relevance.
Subway & Bus Tips
So, this is the third day that we have traveled to the school by public transportation. I have observed & learned several things.
- Do a dry run. Make sure to make your own notes with landmarks. If you can keep an eye on your watch so, that you know about how long your ride should be.
- On this dry run, if you are going to be on the bus for longer than a few stops, count the stops.
- If you are going to take public transportation, make sure you have a Chinese friend write, in characters, to your destination and from your destination. On the subway, it is not such a big deal. But, the buses get crowded & noisy and the announcements are hard hear at times.
- Do not hesitate to sit in an empty seat. He who hesitates is left standing.
- In Beijing, during rush hour, they have people with little colored flags at the major stops to marshal in the buses. They are invaluable when you want to make sure you are going the right way. The lady at the stop where we pick up the 19 remembers us. This morning, we nodded to the same lady. Bus 19 pulled up. Something was different about this bus today. We started to board and she said something in Chinese to let me know not to board. But, Delainie, knowing this is the bus we board everyday, started to get on and the lady stopped Delainie from boarding. We then got on the right 19.
- When riding a subway or bus and traveling with a child or older person. People will give up their seat so that the ride for these passengers is safe. You may want to offer your seat to one of these types of people. If you don't the bus conductor, not the driver, will ask you to.
- Bus conductors are also good friends. Your card with the route in Chinese, is also good to show them. They know the route better than you and can tell you exactly when to get off.
- On the two buses hooked together get on in the back and , if standing, work your way forward because you exit at the front. Just make sure you are close to the door when you stop comes or you will watching your stop go by. Almost happened today. A lady refused to move and there I was pulling Delainie through the bus, saying excuse me in Chinese, there is this lady with a ipod on that would not move.
- If no one moves out of your way then sometimes it is necessary to nudge your way through. I finally got to the door and it shut. The other passengers called to the driver to open the door. He did. All was well.
- Standing on as bus or subway for long trips stinks. Esp in the summer it is hot and sweaty. With no air conditioning and 50 plus people in a tight space. It tends to smell a little funky.
- Women conductors & marshaling people are always more helpful and friendly.
- Be courteous. You will expect the same.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Dripping with sweat
I know I have mentioned this many times before but it is really hot! 99 degrees today. I got home from my almost two hour commute from the school dripping from my fingertips with sweat.
A shower didn't help much. It was almost unbearable. A tub would have been nice. I could adjust the temp and soak. I miss tubs. Showers are great in a small limited space and conserving on water. But a tub enough said.
Talked to Teacher Yan today. I tried to explain to her that the students just don't understand. I also can't find this oral test we are supposed to be taking at the end of the classes. She said I would just have to do the best that I can with them. I reccommend not to use this book for pre-teens. I did have a new student today. Her English name is Summer. She is 21 and a university student. She has pretty good English. She helped translate some things for me today in class.
A shower didn't help much. It was almost unbearable. A tub would have been nice. I could adjust the temp and soak. I miss tubs. Showers are great in a small limited space and conserving on water. But a tub enough said.
Talked to Teacher Yan today. I tried to explain to her that the students just don't understand. I also can't find this oral test we are supposed to be taking at the end of the classes. She said I would just have to do the best that I can with them. I reccommend not to use this book for pre-teens. I did have a new student today. Her English name is Summer. She is 21 and a university student. She has pretty good English. She helped translate some things for me today in class.
Sleepless in Beijing
I didn't sleep well last night. I was very concerned about my students. They do not understand the relevance of the subject matter. As I said yesterday, the book is a bad book for 10-14 yr olds. They are never going to use this stuff at least not for many years.
I am going to talk to Teacher Yan today. There has got to be something we can do. I want them to succeed. I don't want them to think of English as boring "May I help you, sir ." Stuff
I am going to talk to Teacher Yan today. There has got to be something we can do. I want them to succeed. I don't want them to think of English as boring "May I help you, sir ." Stuff
Monday, July 16, 2007
Teaching English 1st Day

Today was my first day of teaching English. I am sure it was frustrating for the students.
- They are not used to a native speaker.
- They do not know how to ask questions about the subject matter
- They do not know how to answer questions when they don't understand
- The book we are using is for adults ready to enter the work place, serve English speakers (and I mean serve as a shop girl, a bus or taxi driver) & are not 10-12 yea
rs old
- My students are 10-12 years old When are they going to use this stuff?
- By the time the book is relevant in their lives they will have forgotten it
Just my two cents.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Screaming II & III

So, after I went to the language school. We rested. Delainie was continuing her rest and I moved the computer to the dining room table so that I would not disturb her. I closed it down being very careful with it. And, guess what? I opened it and there was visible crack in the screen. Okay, I thought, I can live with that small black crack. I finished my work closed the laptop to move it back to the desk in the bedroom. I opened it because I had forgotten something.
Guess what? A second crack and a large white space on 1/3 of my screen. I am not closing it again. I was only closing it to protect it from getting damaged further. I only have

I mean I have been very careful with it. It is my only personal link to the world outside China. I need it.
Well, this afternoon we went to the Beijing New Bridge High School
This is where I will be teaching 4-12 yr olds English for the next 15 work days. Starting Monday! Hmm 15 working days. Count it. Well, that puts me to the date I leave. But, don't worry, faithful readers, I will be doing one of the days on the Sat or Sun before I leave. So, my last day at the school will be 3 August. Whew! Just in time to pack and get on the plane.
I have a pretty easy schedule. 9 am - 12 pm however, there is 2 hours worth of public transportation on each end. So, yes, I will be spending more time on the bus and subway than in class. You are probably saying: What! That's crazy! But, I'll tell you why.
1. Delainie gets to go with me for free. She will be in her own class with kinds her own age learning Chinese & English. She gets the experience of being in a real class with real Chinese kids. A definite plus.
2. It gives me something to do. I have seen most of the fantastic sights in Beijing. Shu shu is probably tired of us staying around the house and being our tour guide. I don't really think this but it will give him some break.
3. We get a free lunch. Yea!
4. I am really excited about doing this.
5. The least important reason is that I am paid. Just like my substitute.
For all of those reasons and many more am I looking so forward to going on this new part of our adventure.
I'll let you know, Monday, how my first day went.
This is where I will be teaching 4-12 yr olds English for the next 15 work days. Starting Monday! Hmm 15 working days. Count it. Well, that puts me to the date I leave. But, don't worry, faithful readers, I will be doing one of the days on the Sat or Sun before I leave. So, my last day at the school will be 3 August. Whew! Just in time to pack and get on the plane.
I have a pretty easy schedule. 9 am - 12 pm however, there is 2 hours worth of public transportation on each end. So, yes, I will be spending more time on the bus and subway than in class. You are probably saying: What! That's crazy! But, I'll tell you why.
1. Delainie gets to go with me for free. She will be in her own class with kinds her own age learning Chinese & English. She gets the experience of being in a real class with real Chinese kids. A definite plus.
2. It gives me something to do. I have seen most of the fantastic sights in Beijing. Shu shu is probably tired of us staying around the house and being our tour guide. I don't really think this but it will give him some break.
3. We get a free lunch. Yea!
4. I am really excited about doing this.
5. The least important reason is that I am paid. Just like my substitute.
For all of those reasons and many more am I looking so forward to going on this new part of our adventure.
I'll let you know, Monday, how my first day went.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Getting better
Today we are feeling better. We went to the Bank Of China, to a shot outside of W
u mart put more money on my cell phone & to Wu mart. Got to love Wu mart. It is just a two minute walk from home and they have almost everything we need. We bought juice & peanuts. I have been drinking a lot of juice because I have been sick.
We also went to our favorite bakery and got crescent bread and two pieces of the best cake I have had in a while. Mine was chocolate cherry and Delainie's was a white cake with blueberries. Both cakes had this delicious fluffy whipped cream like icing. Mine had chocolate curls on top while Delainie's had a piece of kiwi, peach & white chocolate decoration. They were very delicious. I will take of picture of them the next time we go. But, we agree we need to go back and get another one.
Today we are feeling better. We went to the Bank Of China, to a shot outside of W

We also went to our favorite bakery and got crescent bread and two pieces of the best cake I have had in a while. Mine was chocolate cherry and Delainie's was a white cake with blueberries. Both cakes had this delicious fluffy whipped cream like icing. Mine had chocolate curls on top while Delainie's had a piece of kiwi, peach & white chocolate decoration. They were very delicious. I will take of picture of them the next time we go. But, we agree we need to go back and get another one.
Wolf Poison Flower
So, we have been watching this series called Wolf Poison Flower. 集电视剧《狼毒花》It is great! It is about this guy that started out as a bandit and later joined the Chinese Army. He is a very happy guy who can shoot a pistol with each hand while jumping over a wall, has many female admirers and can talk himself and his comrades out many sticky situations. Last night was the last block of the series. They show three shows a night for eleven nights. Thirty -three episodes. Beijing tv channel 4 has these series on every ten or so days. Great channel! I wish we had it at home. I will miss it.
Here are some pictures of the series. These are the principle characters in the series.

I am trying to find it on but it is not released yet. It was made in 2007. To read more about this series or channel click here.
Here are some pictures of the series. These are the principle characters in the series.

I am trying to find it on but it is not released yet. It was made in 2007. To read more about this series or channel click here.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Still Sick
Well, now we are both sick! Delainie has been sneezing all day. We spent the day watching videos and sleeping. Shu shu went to an appointment so, we were able to spend some time outside the room in our pj's.
Okay, I mentioned before that Delainie was reading the Princess Diaries, right? Well. I had nothing else to do so I read them. They are entirely inappropriate for 8 yr olds. I think they would be better for 16 yr olds. I bought them because we had seen the Disney movie. I thought it was safe for my daughter to read. NOT! The books spend too much time talking about french kissing, finding boy friends and Mia's father's private parts and his ability to produce another heir. Thank GOD most of what was in the book went over her head. Disney really sanitized the first book when they made it a film. I will put these books away until a more appropriate age. We have made choices as to what our daughter reads & watches. From now on I will read a review of the book before I buy it. I really thought these books would be safe. But they weren't.
I would rather allow her to read Harry Potter which by the way she has read all of them until now. Sorry to say, we will miss the release of the next book because we are in China. Maybe next time we will be able to go to one of those parties at Barnes and Noble.
Okay, I mentioned before that Delainie was reading the Princess Diaries, right? Well. I had nothing else to do so I read them. They are entirely inappropriate for 8 yr olds. I think they would be better for 16 yr olds. I bought them because we had seen the Disney movie. I thought it was safe for my daughter to read. NOT! The books spend too much time talking about french kissing, finding boy friends and Mia's father's private parts and his ability to produce another heir. Thank GOD most of what was in the book went over her head. Disney really sanitized the first book when they made it a film. I will put these books away until a more appropriate age. We have made choices as to what our daughter reads & watches. From now on I will read a review of the book before I buy it. I really thought these books would be safe. But they weren't.
I would rather allow her to read Harry Potter which by the way she has read all of them until now. Sorry to say, we will miss the release of the next book because we are in China. Maybe next time we will be able to go to one of those parties at Barnes and Noble.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Well, for the last two days I have had a horrible cough. I have slept most of these days. It is hard to be sick when you are not at home. Delainie and I have spent our time in the room. She has been a very good doctor. Getting me water and stuff. I have been taking two OTC Chinese medicines. One for cough and one for cold symptoms. The cough medicine has a lot of herbs in it along with honey and sugar. It tastes very good; better than any OTC cough syrup in the US.
Here are some pictures of a typical dinner we have here.

Tonight we had tomatoes with sugar, eggs and bitter melon & chicken and cucumber. It was all very tasty, hao chi. (good food) Delainie says Shu shu should be a professional chef. I don't know about professional but he could open a restaurant with home cooking and do very well. I would eat there!

Here are some pictures of a typical dinner we have here.

Tonight we had tomatoes with sugar, eggs and bitter melon & chicken and cucumber. It was all very tasty, hao chi. (good food) Delainie says Shu shu should be a professional chef. I don't know about professional but he could open a restaurant with home cooking and do very well. I would eat there!

Sunday, July 8, 2007
Beijing Walmart Supercenter
Okay one annoy thing has happened. I can't add titles to my daily blogs.
Oh well, continuing with SUNDAY. We went to one of three Walmart Supercenter's in Beijing. Let me tell you it was an experience. One, I have to say, I will not repeat on a weekend. Walmart's are different in China. And you should expect them to be. The one we went to had 3 floors. Bottom floor, and the busiest, was the grocery & household items. Second floor had cosmetics, stationary, music & books. Third floor: toys, electronics, clothing & sheets & towels.
Typical like most Chinese Department stores you pay in each department: books & videos, eyeglasses, jewelry. We had to pay for these purchases in the departments. All others were checked out on the second floor with everyone else. The lines were long but very quick.
I would recommend going just for the experience. It is a good place to get a lot of different things that the local Wu mart doesn't have. But, realize it is very crowded and best visited on a week day.
Today is Sunday. We met a friend of Nan's. She has known him since she was 3 years old. His daughter came by to meet Delainie. He took us to lunch at a restaurant where we ate for the very first time. Beijing Duck. Not Peking Duck... Beijing Duck. It was one of the best things we have ate here.
Of course we ate many other things besides the duck. We had crispy potatoes, stir fried veg, cherry tomatoes, spicy chicken with peanuts, spicy beef & bacon and veg. This was all before the brought out the duck.
What it is is duck that is roasted hanging so that all of the fat drips out. They then slice the breast very thin. There are very thin like tortillas, sauce, thin sliced green onion and cucumber. How you eat is put the tortilla in your hand, pick up the duck, dip it in the sauce, put it on your tortilla along with the onion & cucumber. Then you roll it up like a burrito and make sure to tuck in one end so that the contents dong fall out. It was really delicious. The skin is crispy and the very moist.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
South Beijing
Temple of Heaven

Here is the sign at the entrance and the front gate.

This is the Hall for the Prayer of Good Harvests

For the first time today here is our spokes model Delainie.

This is the cir

This is the circular mound altar.

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