Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sunrise and Registration

Sunrise in Beijing: Funny thing. Delainie and I are up with the sun type of people. Well, guess what? The sun rises at 4:30 am. Way too early. It is a very cloudy day here at 4:30. I wonder if they see the sun. Nan says that you want it over cast because when the sky is blue it is very hot. I am still tired. I hope our luggage comes today. They are supposed to call this morning. We will take a nap later. Here are the picture of the place I am staying and the buildings around us. We are on the 6th floor. There is an elevator operator. She pushed the buttons for your floor and handles your mail. Delainie ate breakfast as my stomach is still a little queasy. She had eggs. This morning we went to the police station to be registered as aliens. We did that so that they know we are here and have a visa etc. We had to do this because we are staying in a private residence. If we stayed in a hotel then the hotel would register us with the local police dept. The neighborhood where the police station was is a very pretty tree lined residential area.

Here are some pictures looking out the window.

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